9 reviews liked by ClicheChad

This is a game that has unfortunately been forgotten.

And that's a real shame, because it is a unique, imaginative and lovable parody of the classical fairytale and the traditional theatre aprroach to storytelling with a lot of engaging Suda51 madness. It even features a cliché theatre/fairytale narrator and an actual theatre stage with a curtain. And the enemies and the main character all look like they belong into a set in a childrens theatre. It's very memorable.

The game is too punishing and the gameplay needed more work, but overall this is a very charming indie package, that lovers of action platformers, especially weird and different action platformers, really shouldn't miss.

A forgotten gem from the Xbox 360/PS3 era from the mad mind of my favourite game director/writer Suda51. Come for the Monty Python/Gilliam inspired storybook aesthetics, stay for Akira Yamaokas demented score, punishing difficulty and rough janky gameplay. Pick this up before the store closures happen.

Kind of shit, no reason to play this over its sequels.

Why did i replayed this

Flower, sun and rain it's amazing. being my first Suda game I started it with big expectations based on all the praises Grasshopper studio gets BUT at the same time not knowing at all what this game would deliver, and DAMN. It does deliver.

I think this is the weirdest game I gave 5 starts not because of the tone of the game itself, (even tho it is weird) but because the scope of it is pretty simple and narrow, but it's such a perfectly encapsulated experience, so unique that I couldn't give this one less.

The look of Lospass island pierces your eyes immediately, full of vibrant colors everywhere. Green, blue, red, yellow, pink, all distributed in these paradisiacal scenarios where you somehow feel that it should be buzzling with life, but it is not, it is completely empty, just the sound of the waves, wind and birds as you run. This made me feel like I was walking around in a weird fever dream, all seems unreal but at the same time it is as you would imagine a paradise. It makes all the walking worth it; I didn't get bored when running all sweaty around Lospass dreamy aesthetics at all. I love how Sumio's outfit doesn't match with the vibe at all, these contrasts make him stand out like in a good way.
I find funny that this game being the sequel to TSC, game which is all grim and obscure in its aesthetic, just twists this fact and goes all the way to a flashy paradise look, love it!

As I said before, it is a fever dream, and this doesn't stop just at the view, but it leaks into the people, every encounter is surreal, we limit ourselves when talking to strangers, we have lot of mental rules that ties together to a complex system that runs at every interaction. Here there is not, well, at least to everyone but Sumio. Honestly, I can't wrap my thoughts to describe the dialogue, but it's filled with this wittiness that makes it so engaging, sometimes ironic, sometimes poetic, sometimes ridiculous, sometimes hilarious.

I didn't play TSC nor 25th Ward so ik I'm missing a lot of context to enjoy the plot and world-building EVEN more but i like it just as it is, a mysterious plot that gives you little hints throughout the whole game to keep you engaged and then it just fucks your brain in the best way possible at the very end.

I'm not lying when I say that after beating this game, I've been listening to the OST nonstop throughout the weeks, they accomplished fleshing out the paradise Lospass essence greatly, mixing this classical/famous melodies and making it their own, like, you sometimes compare the original and they barely sound like the same song, because they use the main melody and build over them to give it their own personality, their own touch, music achieves to fusion with the ambience unscathed .
It reminds me of drakengard and how it does this for its own chaotical purpose.

GAMEPLAY...the gimmick is really fun, the idea of searching through the whole guidebook and how you become paranoid of every number you read and how to tie them to an answer is cool. some were oddly specific, and I broke my brain too much but the feeling after seeing 'HIT' is worthwhile.


I'm so Sumio coded... fr 🚬...

Great concept, horrible game play. Love the art hate the combat.

Ignoring the abnoxious puzzles that detract a bit from the story, this is one of My favourite Suda games just below Killer7.
It has a lot of personality and the story is a bit weird but charming and a bit melancholic as well.
But i think the best thing that this game offers is the atmosphere, the soundtrack is a freaking banger and the old low poly ds feeling makes me want to travel to Losspas island irl.
Also, Mondo is literally the best protagonist ever created, he is such a silly depressed goober ^⁠_⁠^

my question is
why the hell is this game more inclusive than recent persona titles
music goes hard as always