A groovy hack and slash with a killer soundtrack by Akira Yamaoka and alot of licensed songs, one of my favorites being Nemesis by Arch Enemy. It's pretty funny too
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Holy fuck this game isn't easy
From what I hear this game is meant to emulate what videogames from the 8-bit and 16-bit were like and if so, they fucking got it down. You gotta deal with unfair bullshit like your sword going right through enemies at times on top of it's already short ass range, common enemies that take a fuck ton of hits to kill and at some points glitches (At one point in the game if I paused the game, when I unpaused the stage would disappear and I'd fall to my doom. I had never been punished for pausing a game before this)
After MANY tries and getting a trophy for dying 500 times I beat the bullet hell crazy final boss... only for the ending of the game to say "Haha this isn't the truuue ending to get that you need to beat the game again!"
Nah, not fucking happening. I beat the game fuck that sound

Fun, especially with friends or family
My mom loves fishing

Probably the best gacha game
Actual gameplay!

Peak Pokemon
Extraordinary story, rope shooter of a soundtrack like actual fucking bangers, awesome gameplay and despite general consensus, pretty cool designed pokemon with moving sprites!!! YOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Peak Pokemon

The definitive version of Super Mario 64
Wario is in it

Bruh this shit is boring, you play the game for maybe an hour and then there's nothing to do until the next day
unless you time travel that is

To be honest gameplay wise Silent Hill 2 HD ain't that bad besides the controls getting stuck occasionally it was a normal playthrough
The graphics however are garbage, and not your ordinary "bad" garbage but more like if someone bought the Mona Lisa, painted clowns over it and then pissed on it.

The fog is waaaay less dense taking away fear of what lies beyond it because nothing is obscured now, the shadows to literally anything are just fucked up or missing more then half the time, there's a sign who's font was changed to comic sans for no reason? and the voice acting is really off with James himself sounding like some sort of cool action movie star and not an ordinary guy who struggles swinging a plank of wood. They shouldn't have changed the voices at all.

Silent Hill 3 HD I would want to say the same for as well but maybe worse as I hear they practically put this game together from actual scratch due to losing the source code to both games, but I can't say completely because the game crashed on me while I was playing it and I took that as a sign to stop.

Pac-Man but fucking awesome
the gameplay is additive and the music is cash

One of the best PC games fucking ever
banger ass soundtrack
lots of levels with variety
and a bunch of iconic plants and zombies

Killer beat 'em up, combat gets a little repetitive but the game is short enough

Banger soundtrack, one of the flash games of all time

An awesome platform fighter that could rival the likes of Smash Bros crazy considering how it's just a flash game
Deserves some sort of console release