Solid atmosphere, but the progression and the fights are often frustrating

The dialogues are really good. But the investigations are not that interesting and are redundant.


Good music, good fights, good art direction. Good shit.

The artistic direction and the sound design are gorgeous, but the progression is too heavy going, you often don't know whether you are doing it right.


Good use of the crank. The game may be too short but it was really pleasing.

Too long and redundant. The software crashed many times, which is really frustrating in levels with 20 panels.

Sometimes you don't really know how to go further in the game and the navigation is quite laborious. It has an intriguing story with cool animations and a great atmosphere, though.

Je l'ai abandonné à l'époque très proche de la fin car un combat me semblait insurmontable de difficulté. Je prendrai ma revanche un jour.

Je l'ai abandonné au boss final car je n'avais plus la motivation de grinder encore pour me mettre au niveau.

I never was able to finish the first level back when I was a kid.

Nice animations, but you cannot really enjoy them as you are focused on the inventory. The concept is cool but I quickly grew tired of it.

Nice animations and design, but you quicky get tired of the few mini games Spellcorked has.

Les décors en pixel art sont somptueux et l'ambiance film noir est prégnante. L'écriture est soignée mais l'histoire semble un peu se perdre au fur et à mesure. Je regrette aussi le terrible manque d'interactivité qui fait qu'on a davantage affaire à un visual novel qu'à un véritable jeu d'aventure.

Petit encas sympathique avec des animations chouettes et une histoire sordide efficace.