I knew I had played a GTA game on the Advance. Thought it was GTA 1 or 2. I thought wrong for all these years.

Honest, I don't remember much of anything about this game. I played it like once on a friend's Gameboy.

I love Prey, and Prey leant itself perfectly for a Prop Hunt game expansion. But, this game mode lasted like a week before it died off. Shame, shame.

If Alliance of Valiant Arms and CS had a deformed offspring. Was honestly pretty fun fighting hordes for a few times.

A peaceful experience, but a pretty run-of-the-mill puzzle game.

About as mid as it gets. Just PC with a few Paganis. Why, tho?

All around rubbish sandbox building game. Only real distinguishing factor was the ability to seamlessly transition for ocean to flying into space.

Wow, SIF 2 what?

Overall: 4/10 (4)

Gameplay: 2/10
Story/Narrative: 5/10
Graphics/Visuals: 3/10
Audio/Soundtrack: 6/10


Just about as basic and average of a puzzle game as you can get.

Hello? Who asked for this? Oh right, I did, but a century should have been added to the title - 2142. Where are my mechs??

Art's pretty hot, but actual gameplay is basic turn-based combat/moves. Outfits are pretty decent. The girls are likeable enough. Pretty sub-meh vibes.