This guy is serious. Seriously... check out his gun! That's seriously cool Sam!

Can you see me? From down there? Is my plinth too tall for you? Yeah, bow down before your queen... I have ponies and horses and unicorns... You have NOTHING.

Seriously?! This guy again!? I doubt he can get more serious than last ti- spits out my squash WHAT THE WHAT!?

Big sweaty masked woman with hammer and wrench and coal... coal everywhere...

What the fuck!? Fucking rabbits?!


Stuffin' my face with worms, don't look at me.

So hungry is the artist, so delectable the paints look...

The final boss was the concept of marriage itself.

Silly lil guy? NO! MONSTER! Evil monster. Can't you see the BLOOD?!

No sex. No robots, this is like the worse version of Mass Effect. No Tali'Zorah either. What the fuck?

Open the box... IF YOU DARE!!!!

Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course all levels B rank (Final Boss + Scary Level)

Not my fat ass clicking cokies

So sad... Halo master cheef just out of reach...