This is a very good bullet hell. Bullet hells are fun, but I think I'm going blind from them

I've only played this one and Scarlet Devil, but this is my favourite one so far. One day, I might even manage to beat one without continues! Imagine that!

Was just starting to get into it, set out on a fight and tried to take some weaker allies to help level them up. Ended up in a battle with a unit that couldn't be hit with physical attacks and had no other attacking options. Couldn't flee the battle. Couldn't end the battle. Couldn't win the battle. It would have taken ages to LOSE the battle. Thought "Fuck this, I'll just play Fire Emblem Awakening instead"

I might try again with this at some point, cause it is CLEARLY very good, but there's a lot of very... "Handheld game in 2001" stuff about it. There's too much information that you can't see properly cause of the screen size. I dunno, man. Maybe try the PSP version at some point instead.

I would live in Port Carverton. I love it there. Playing a bunch of it recently has made me really hopeful for Skate 4, especially hopeful that the suite of movie making tools are expanded upon. Cause in Skate 3 it's great fun to just find a spot and come up with a really cool line, then try and capture it from an exciting angle. It's even MORE fun doing this in multiplayer. As a creative, fuck-about on boards simulator it absolutely cannot be beat.

This game, man... I dunno. I think it's brilliant! I think the moment to moment team play is sensation and like nothing else I've played. I also have had one really good session on it and then no intention or drive to play it again. A weird one. It's good, but I dunno how much staying power it has.

I genuinely thought this was going to be an awrite, Zelda-esque dungeon crawler at first, but it's just so boring. God it gets boring after a few hours. But I played through the whole thing, so I'm hardly a brain lord myself.

If anyone asks you "D'ya wanna play some Brain Lord?!", please emphatically reply "NO!"

The first Castlevania game on Gameboy is an absolute horror show, but this is surprisingly tight and challenging. It's not as good as any of the home console games, obviously, but it's still awrite

Mmmmmaybe one of the most important games ever made? Top 10, I reckon.

Man, I love this game. Why wasn't burger time massive? Was it just cause there were plenty of these maze style games at the time and everyone was burnt out? I reckon it's fair to call Burger Time Deluxe a hidden gem on the Gameboy.

Amazingly, this holds up! Played it for the first time in 2021 and I think it's absolutely worth playing. Even if it is just Resi with Dino's, it's got enough of its own flavour to carry it. Just remember, you should probably just side with the big gruff dude when given the chance, it's probably more simple.

Legitimately one of my favourite games of all time. Can get lost in it for hours.

This game made me sit slack jawed in a daze of productivity. That's a positive review.