Being a huge Sonic fan when I was younger, I was excited to get back into the franchise with this one. Breath of the Wild got me back into Zelda and I went back and played many of the older games so I thought that this would help me finally get through my Sonic backlog.

Sonic Frontiers was difficult to get into at first. I played through the first island on two separate occasions before I actually committed to the game. For some reason, I couldn't get into the game at first. It seemed like way to much to get used to. I'm used to skill trees and collecting/fetch quests but it felt out of place in a Sonic game at first. It felt like too much being thrown at me at once.

On my third playthrough however, I finally clicked with the game. Sonic Frontiers came alive and I felt like I was finally enjoying the game. It all fell into place and I learned to love the mechanics and the story. The plot isn't anything crazy but it is certainly more than Sonic has brought to the table before. The combat needed more work but this game is surely a step in the right direction! The skill tree and fetch quests never clicked perfectly but I worked through them. By the end, I found myself rushing through the collecting just to finish the story. One of my biggest gripes was that you need to collect a certain amount of items to progress the story along. That doesn't do it for me and feels like fluff to round out the playtime. I also didn't enjoy that when you did do the side quests, it didn't offer much in terms of world building or expanding on the characters. It all felt very out of place at times.

I am excited for the next 3D game and to see what else Sega is planning. This game wasn't perfect (far from it) but it reinvigorated my love for the franchise! It may not be the best game I have played but it ventured far into new territory, something franchises often struggle with. With a franchise as old as Sonic, it was amazing to see that Sega went so far to reinvent Sonic the Hedgehog and I am excited for the next installment to continue this trend of innovation.

A huge improvement over the first installment. The ending was beautifully haunting.

Very engaging as a game and one of the most immersive open worlds I have seen. Wish the ending was better though. It never felt as though my choices had any impact on the story.