1 review liked by CommanderDuckie

I remember when i played the first one, I thought it could be a great game. There were faults, sure, but it could be better. Unfortunately, most of them are not entirely fixed. For starters, enemy variety got a little better, but just a little. The combat is the same, with just a few gimmicks (most of them very small and sometimes annoying) so you'll basically play the same game as before. That may be good, right? Yeah, if you enjoyed the first game and thought it was flawless, which I did not.
Now this game, while being much the same as 2018, comes with its own sets of problems. Who doesn't enjoy being taught how to play by your party all the time? That happens a lot. Who doesn't love a story without focus with a lot of chapters looking like glorified side quests? Well, that happened.
In the end, while 2018 was far from a perfect game, it still is better than this one, more enjoyable, the story had focus and was less annoying to play. At least, I didn't feel like I wanted it to end as soon as possible 10 hours in.