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Conqueror completed The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Definitely an improvement over BOTW, the dungeons feel a lot more like actual dungeons this time and the shrines are more interesting, playing around with all the devices to see what you can build is a lot of fun.

17 hrs ago

6 days ago

Conqueror earned the Donor badge

8 days ago

Conqueror completed Demolition Girl
when are we gonna get more giantess ludo...

8 days ago

Conqueror completed Knight's Try
It's alright, the level design is solid albeit frustrating at times, and the controls are fairly tight, but the movement is far too basic to really make traversing around feel particularly satisfying.

8 days ago

Conqueror completed Maximo vs. Army of Zin
A little mixed on this one, still a solid game but a little bit of a downgrade from the first game, it's easier and there is more of a focus on hack and slash combat with a combo counter and an expanded move list which is appreciated, but there can be some absolutely tedious enemy gauntlets late into the game and a lot of the level design isn't quite as good as the first game.

14 days ago

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