From Software need to be brought in front of a war crimes tribunal for ruining action games for the past 10 years.

Definitely an improvement over BOTW, the dungeons feel a lot more like actual dungeons this time and the shrines are more interesting, playing around with all the devices to see what you can build is a lot of fun.

when are we gonna get more giantess ludo...

It's alright, the level design is solid albeit frustrating at times, and the controls are fairly tight, but the movement is far too basic to really make traversing around feel particularly satisfying.

A little mixed on this one, still a solid game but a little bit of a downgrade from the first game, it's easier and there is more of a focus on hack and slash combat with a combo counter and an expanded move list which is appreciated, but there can be some absolutely tedious enemy gauntlets late into the game and a lot of the level design isn't quite as good as the first game.

Action game built around a pretty good feeling basic system of dodge/parry then punish. Main thing that sets it apart is the degree of interactivity with the environment. Feels very satisfying to kick a pile of barrels down a flight of stairs and have it knock down a whole group of enemies.

Stick to the classic mode, the main single player mode sucks, the objectives are annoying and there's a bunch of frustrating gimmicks.

Really solid 2D action platformer. Definitely think it's pretty impressive that they implemented 7 different characters that don't really feel like they overlap too much in their abilities and still manage to have their niches when you can switch between them all at will.

Played through the 1st, 2nd and Final episodes back to back without really much fatigue of going through the same levels, each one has enough alternate pathways only certain characters can access so each time going through them felt different to the first.

Life is precious and fleeting. So make the most of it and enjoy robot pussy while you can.

Interesting little game, Has a fairly unique premise and a pretty nice atmosphere. does a decent job of making things feel tense especially on the last round. Definitely worth a try especially given that the time and monetary investment is low.

Feels like a mix of Titanfall movement with Max Payne bullet time and shoot dodging. weapons are pretty satisfying and the game is short and sweet with a pretty good pace. There are a few annoying sections like the one where you have to destroy the house that I found kind of annoying.

Nice throwback to Marble Blast Ultra on Xbox Live Arcade. Controls feel smooth and most of the levels are pretty good. Some of the later ones start to drag a fair bit however or have some gimmick that isn't super fun and messes up the flow.

Solid Racer, handling feels pretty great and nailing drifts feels really. Music and visuals give the game a nice atmosphere. However it's pretty light on track variety.

Game I played a lot as a kid but I think this is the first time I've finished it fully, the skateboarding controls are pretty much polished to perfection by this game but basically everything else feels very jank. The story is very charming.

A bit of a mixed bag. The gameplay is very sold, feels like a more polished version of the gameplay from the first 2 games outside of some changes I'm not a fan of the much I.E. the smaller weapon limit. It has that RAGE engine heaviness but it doesn't feel as animation bound as most other Rockstar games from the HD era onwards. you can definitely tell there were a lot of people at Rockstar that were happy they could finally get to make a linear game and not an open world one, there are a lot of good set pieces.

The writing I'm not really a fan of though, feels very "Rockstar game" and doesn't really have the charm of the first two games. It's mostly carried by James McCaffrey's performance.