It's an effective piece of horror but I don't know if I would say it's a good game since the gameplay is very simplistic. It's definitely worth giving a go though since it does have a very good atmosphere and the build up to the scare is pretty nerve wracking.

Really good time, played through the entire game in one go. Has all the same charm of the 1st game but the overall level design and pacing of the game just feels improved. More fun setpieces and less obscure crap. Dream sequences don't suck this time as well.

I started out thinking it was pretty good but the further you get into it and the more stuff piles up I started to find it pretty frustrating, maybe if I had a better organisation pattern from the beginning it would've been easier but so much stuff piles up so quickly it becomes very hard to sort through and by the time I decided to stop playing I could barely complete any orders.

3D Metroidvania with pretty slick movement. the level design is pretty open ended with a fair amount of ways to do something beyond the obviously intended path, was even able to sequence break to get to an area without a necessary power up which I have not done in a game like this before, the extra abilities you gain through exploring the map are a lot of fun to mess around with.

The games combat isn't great however, pretty floaty feeling and the ending was anticlimactic. was kind of hoping for a section at the end to that uses all the movement abilities you get throughout the game but it just ends on a mediocre bossfight.

Pretty enjoyable shoot em up, has a more traditional progression with checkpoints and no credits system and is a fairly long as these games go, visuals and music are pretty appealing like the first game was.

I like the upgrade system as a way to encourage clearing enemy waves in lieu of a regular scoring system. There are also a few secret areas that let you unlock extra stuff like weapons which feel cool to find.

Main issues I had were that sometimes the graphics got in the way of the game and stuff would sometimes fly in off screen and hit you in a way you couldn't predict.

Interesting game for how different it is from the console Mario games of the time, but the ideas are kind of held back because of the stiff feeling controls.

When I first just got to the end I thought that the game was very good but not quite as good as Mario 3 (I still think I slightly prefer the floatier jump in that game). But after going through the special world I had changed my opinion, It definitely made me appreciate more just how creative a lot of the games level designs are.

I also really how much content is behind secret exits in stages, when compared to the NES Mario games it feels like the player is actually being rewarded for being attentive and finding secrets instead of the warps in the earlier games where your reward for finding a secret was getting to skip content.

Game looks pretty, the climbing mechanics are quite fun if a little too easy, the game start definitely feels quite slow, takes a while for the game to start adding on extra mechanics you have to consider while climbing but once it gets going it does keep variety up.

Decent Bethesda open world game. Probably has the most solid combat and gunplay of anything they've made and a few interesting quests here and there.

Main issue I had with the game is how many steps it takes to do things in the game. In order to modify weapons you need the perk that allows you take research that upgrade, then you need to gather resources you need for that research project, and then once the project has been completed you need to do another round of resource gathering to craft the specific upgrade you want. It's a tedious process that made me not want to engage with the mechanic at all. Ship customisation and base building also have a similar issue of things locked behind unlocking a bunch of perks that I'd rather invest in things that make me better in combat or in exploring and looting the open world.

Visually the game looks very nice and I did find exploring engaging for quite a bit. Lots of good opportunities to take nice looking screenshots.


Moral of the story: Have sex with your aunt.

The mechanics are rock solid but everything else surrounding it is either bland (like the music) or just completely unappealing to me (like the attempt to turn Street Fighter into a single player open world RPG in the World Tour)

The contrast between what people say this game is like and what it's actually like is very funny.

Still a pretty fun game though.

Wouldn't really be able to rate every ch individually so this is for the entire thing I thought it was very epic.

Don't particularly care for the bosses or having to go through stages again to get more money if you didn't get enough toppings on the first run but a pretty fun game overall, movement and level design feel great and there aesthetics and music are very well done.