A lot of people lost faith. They said Pikmin 4 was cancelled. It was never coming out. Hell, by the time it was officially revealed, many people straight up didn't know it was in development in the first place. But I never lost hope. I never buckled. I never faltered. I had the utmost faith. 10 years since the last Pikmin game. Over 20 years since the franchise came to be. There was a lot riding on this game for me. And it delivered. I did not like the direction Pikmin 3 took for the series. I have always loved Pikmin 1's simplicity, and thought Pikmin 2 was an amazing sequel to 1's foundation. 4 took a route very similar to 2, and I could not be happier. The treasures are fun to collect, the enemy design and variety is top notch, the level layouts are really well designed. There are a lot of places where the difficulty of Pikmin has been really lowered (and some where it has been greatly heightened) but a lot of what makes it easier is totally optional and great quality of life. Pikmin 2 is a fantastic game but sometimes it's nice to be able to just restart a day after your Pikmin get slaughtered by an insane out of nowhere obstacle. Beautiful game. When it released in July I spent every waking moment for 3 days playing it and 100% completing it. Peakmin 4. What else is there to say?

Reviewed on Dec 28, 2023
