Sticks is a character that exists now

So like I didn't finish the story mode, but

Waluigi and Bowser Jr.'s play style is unironically good.

Like most gachas this one is constantly expanding. Some of the content in this game in terms of characters and character designs are not what I'd expect from the company that made it.

For a mobile game adaptation of a well known strategy game, this game has lured other people into the franchise not the way it intended.

Celica is cool though.

A Smash game that can't be topped. It truly deserves its title as the Ultimate Smash.

The DLC fighters were great even if some of them were better than others.

Smash run was the best part, other than that there wasn't much else unique that could separate from the Wii U version

Good game, but I didn't understand Sonic mechanics as a kid

Yeah so like

It's bad? I'd rather take cyanide

Truly maniacal


Poggers gacha, a little repetitive, but overall fun

I think they misspelled the title, but I'm not sure as this game didn't take as many risks as other gachas

Repetitive gacha, needs variety like Azur Lane
