I loved it, I've played it so many times and may do it again

Did a solo Feraligatr run as a kid, it was the best

Can't replicate that

The Baryonyx is the best dinosaur 100%

The only redeeming factor of this game is swole Dedede

That Dedede is the male (and female) fantasy

The amount of love I have for this game is the same size as Zelda's ass

Great game, shouldn't have had a limited release

The heartbreaking horror that comes with taking over an innocent bystander's body to make them do a malicious task in order to prevent a just wedding is not just a plot, but an experience

This masterpiece of a game proves that

Needs a sequel with the extreme customization from Miitopia

This game was Nintendo's way of saying they don't like poor people

Aside from that it was pretty good though, a great addition to the series

It certainly is a New Super Mario Bros. (2006)

They milked the New Super Mario games after this though

This game is the Mario Party equivalent to drinking alcohol outside in the park late in the evening with friends

It's good

This game can be compared to poison

This game brought Mario Kart in a new direction on a handheld device. Since then many features it introduced haven't been brought back.

So like bring back missions and emblem creation next time thanks