Substantially better than the previous installment. Combat is my one problem still although largely less frustrating. More unique tools and playstyles and the rpgness has been improved to the point I just leveld up base gear to near max and it's competent like everything else the game can offer you. Other gear are just suited to other playstyles or builds. Even if the rpg isn't anywhere near as deep as any other rpg. The action part is better. Moves are more balanced and have had a substantial reworking over 2018. For the much better to the point a replay/completion may be on the enjoyable side. Speaking of which it's rich in side content. Puzzles are heavily improved and there's tons of things to find everywhere. To the point there's extra realms to unlock that I haven't visited too. Game delivers on good design and good pacing and finally a actually great story. While not perfect and has a slow middle. It's actually rather unique and exciting which made it fun to mash through and wasn't predictable. Glad that it took as long as it did as it was worth the wait and paid off. Looking forward to what they do next

Reviewed on Nov 15, 2022



1 year ago

lit i love men