Definitely took me by suprise even though it was heavily mix with frustration towards the end. One of the most competent NFS in the last decade. The style is there. Music is there. Decent library of cars even if low and customisation is mixed like great for some cars and fine for others. My main problems stems from cop cars spawning incredibly unfairly and out of thin air sometimes. Paired with the rubber banding that's probably the most offensive this series has seen. Like cop cars that are just simple sedans can match speeds with lambos going at 300. And sometimes can match throughout a boosting moment too like man it's just not well designed especially given the previous NFS titles doing it right. Especially helicopters being able to spot you through roofs sometimes and seem to just appear midair once there's too little cop cars on the road. Yaya it feels so artificial. Game can also implement the rubber banding if you're doing incredibly well money wise and specifically the person you bet on even if they are under classed they some how rocket on by. Those are my big problems for it but otherwise drifting is fun and stylish jumping feels like a suitable fragile thrill and the new gauge arguably kept me through to the end of the game. Not one I'm gonna return to due to the server lack of events and unique tracks even given the expansive open world but for criterion first game back after battlefield support it's been a flawed but fun distraction being able to live out some street car fantasys:)

Reviewed on Jan 22, 2023
