I really enjoyed "The Exit 8" when I played it a couple of weeks ago. Obviously there have been quite a couple of "anomaly games" since then - some better, some worse - but I've always enjoyed the concept which is basically "scan your environments and spot the difference" with some weird horror stuff going on. It also works pretty well playing it with friends and working together imo.

Now the creator of Exit 8 has put out their very own sequel and it's... quite disappointing to say the least. Changing the concept a bit (you can't go back anymore, only forward) isn't necessarily a bad thing and could probably work if done right but it makes the game in and of itself already really straightforward. What really "breaks" this game for me is the fact that there is almost no change of the environment. About 95% of the anomalies consist of creatures or things just spawning in, rather obviously most of the time. In fact they are so obvious that usually the game announces when there is an anomaly (e.g., the lights may go out when you enter the car or some sound cue perhaps) and I think that's an absolutely awful decision. Some anomalies can kill you and that's basically the only way you can fail. There's barely any challenge in this game. Without spoiling too much, the few actual "spot the difference" type of anomalies that are here, are basically all the same and I think that's pretty lazy.

I wanna say I think the atmosphere of "Platform 8" and some of the anomalies are solid but that's all I could enjoy about it. The store page describes this game as "a short walking simulator" and this is true. Perhaps that's for you. Just don't expect another "The Exit 8" or "anomaly game".