16 reviews liked by CptCobana

What vampire survivors wishes it was this game has me constantly coming back for more

Kotake Create is kind of in the unenviable position of attempting to create a follow-up to a game that works at its absolute best when you know practically nothing about it. Am I convinced that the gameplay shift they deployed here was enough to differentiate or elevate it from Exit 8? Not really!

I'm aware of my outlier state here in the sense that I was the first to review Exit 8 on Backloggd, as I played it blindly practically the minute it landed on a pirate aggregate website, and even rightfully predicted in my log for it that it'd usher in a new genre of horror-adjacent knockoffs in a flurry similar to the Backrooms pishwater that's been flushing through the Steam pipes for the past year or so. It blew me away because it navigates the unknown ~so well~, meaning I probably value the experience of playing a little higher than most who didn't get to avoid any implication as to what the game was. Exit 8 has indeed had many imitators - very few that capture what makes its incredibly simple premise and gameplay loop so innately engrossing, most of which take the form of absolute dunderhead horror pastiches where you're escaping a boarded-up Saw house or an abandoned hospital and shit like that. For what it's worth, Platform 8 plays very differently to Exit 8 and it'll probably be a refreshing change to many, I just find what this game does to be a far more standard "avoid the danger" affair than the wonderfully inquisitive design Exit 8 predicates itself on. In all honesty, I didn't expect a second bottle of lightning - but I hoped for something special I could gnaw on, and it just didn't happen.

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there are cathedrals everywhere for those with eyes to see :-)))

rlly makes you FEEL like ur 19 again and still experiencing religious delusions/paranoia. which is like such a specific feeling and thought process and not one I wouldve thought a video game could nail. but nah this took me right back to 2019 and how ill and scared i felt back then. loved any moment where indika was able to sit down and u would be able to cycle through all these beautiful camera angles where each one is centered on her through these like far away creep shots,, like she’s being stalked and looked at w hatred by some unknown figure. idk the feeling of being totally alone but still being watched and like ur never alone even when u want to be is ultimately like an entitled and self important one but it’s crazy to me that a game can get across these v specific feelings.

reminded me lots of i saw the tv glow,,, both ultimately about how living inside ur head and through fantasy is like a v unhealthy lifestyle and bad for mental/physical well-being. how any kind of fantasy whether a positive or negative one is end of day bad for u if it’s all consuming and u can’t live without the fantasies that play out in ur head. u end up seeing and hearing what’s inside ur head rather than what’s actually there in front of u.

religious horror team ico game (tho im sure a case could be easily made that that’s exactly what those games already are) or like alice madness returns w more contemporary aesthetic pretenses. kind of shit that yorgos lanthimos would be making if he wasnt a fucking coward and freak loll and im NOT just saying this bc there’s a disorienting usage of fisheye here tho more things should def use fisheye. zulawski vibesss here too for sure. love this,, finished all in one sitting,, had me in a trance fr
(wish the gendered violence had more of a statement or take before the ending and not just in the final section but yk oh well play the cards that im given)

ok but where’s sativa tho😭

No amount of words can describe how much I adore this game.

This game is definitely less tedious than the previous, but I still think it is just good, not incredible. A lot of nostalgia though, first game my Dad every finished.

FIller game to meet the at least 3 games a year quota

I didn't enjoy the core mechanics and didn't find the "YOURE IN HELL WAHH" plot interesting. Has weird pacing and stretches its concept very thin, despite its short runtime.

Wenn ihr gerne in Horrorherrenhäusern rumrennt und Rätsel löst und einem Spiel die ein oder andere Schwäche verzeiehn könnt, ist Tormented Souls etwas für euch.

Das Negative vorweg:
Man merkt dem Spiel gerade bei Cutscenes an, dass da kein Geld dahinter steckt. (Dafür kostet es aber auch keine 70 Euro ;) )
Man bekommt innerhalb von 3 Minuten ein prächtiges Paar Titten zu sehen.. danach übrigens nie wieder.
Wie man sein Niveau direkt am Anfang über Bort werfen kann bleibt mir ein Rätsel.

Das Schießen ist zweckmäßig, wenn der Kamerawinkel wechselt läuft man oft gegen ne Wand und es gibt nur ...5? oder 6 Gegnerarten. Mehr tatsächlich nicht.
Es gibt eine Art Nemesis, der einen verfolgt, ab der 2. Hälfte des Spiels.
Man.. muss aber einfach aus dem Raum und wieder rein und er ist weg. ..naja.
Der Endboss ist ein Witz.
Der Plot.. ist auch bei RE nicht besser, also kann man das nicht zu negativ bewerten :D

Kommen wir zu den guten Sachen und das ist wirklich alles andere.
Die Atmosphäre ist krass.
Dafür dass das Spiel wirklich alles andere als AAA ist, haben die Leute es echt geschafft ne dicke Atmosphäre zu kreieren.
Der Soundtrack tut hier sein übriges. Saferoomsong, Kirchenchorsong, ätzender du bist in der Hölle Song und alle immer richtig eingesetzt.

Die Rätsel sind immer lösbar. Ich glaube wir mussten 1x Googeln.. aber da war man zu 50% selbst schuld dran. :D

Man wird belohnt, wenn man sich beim Spielen die Räume einprägt, denn wie bei dem Klassiker RE, wird man hier von A nach B nach C und zurück zu A gescheucht. Aber eben ohne Questmarker, wie in den guten alten Zeiten, als Spiele einen nicht für dumm gehalten haben.
Kein Schwierigkeitsgrad! Das Spiel ist anfangs ein bisschen knackig, je länger das Spiel geht, desto mehr Munition kann man aufsparen, aber es wird nie ein Selbstläufer.

Für mich gerade nach dem Ersteindruck ne riesen Überraschung!

kein Lag, geile Strecken, geiler Soundtrack.

F-Zero 99:
Lag, geiler Soundtrack.

Warum.. sollte ich je 99 statt das Original spielen?
Weil es alle anderen machen? .. ja, genau, DAS ist der einzige Grund, warum ihr das Spiel spielt.