You can safely ignore the stupid reviews complaining that they somehow ruined the game by making it better. They're obsessing over minutae of artistic intent that pretentious pseuds made up rather than admit the 2010 gameplay was bad, and ignoring the actual artistry of the game. "NieR's gameplay was bad on purpose" was a cope made up by people who don't want to admit the original game was severely flawed but I guess if you tell yourself something like that for enough years you psyop yourself into actually believing it. The reality is the original game was trying to genuinely compete in the market of action RPGs (it was trying to be on par with kingdom hearts, but for SE's older audience) but Cavia didn't have staff with the chops for action games. With 1.22 NieR Replicant is better than it's ever been. While it was my favorite game the original had huge, glaring flaws. While the core combat in this version isn't anything amazing, in the original it just wasn't any good. Content was cut from the game due to constraints. Graphically it was dated on release and really overused the bloom. Here they've polished the game and really let it shine. The things that most needed improvement have been improved with the soul and aesthetic still intact afterwards. It plays dramatically better. It looks dramatically better. They've added cut content back in. It's fully voiced now. You're an idiot if you intentionally lose out on a massive improvement because you've deluded yourself into thinking the game being tedious to play was a core tenet of the story and not just the result of it being a low-budget game made by a studio that was bad at making action games. Honestly if you're one of those people, I question whether you really like NieR or just like feeling smart for having played the less popular one (Same with the people who love OG NieR and hate Automata. You don't actually like NieR)
The same thing happened with Automata; people would find every contrived reason to whine about it now that the series is popular, but go on about the original was just to make sure everyone knew how cool they were for playing it. Thinking Yoko Taro was an infallible genius when he made half-baked games but hating his work now that his games are more successful and have actual quality support just shows that you are a contrarian hipster.

* lol, how personally these people took me calling their reviews stupid is really telling

Reviewed on May 13, 2021


3 years ago

preach! As if this creative team getting more funding is a bad thing in the SLIGHTEST. smh my head to all these gatekeepers

3 years ago

idk if dismissing anybody who has honest gripes about the art direction is a great way to go about it but okay.
if you're really going to write a review of a game just because some other reviews hurt your little feelings, you're probably not arguing in good faith, grow the fuck up

3 years ago

Local gamer in attempt to prove that their opinion is correct actually, accuses everyone else of being pretentious hipsters trying to feel superior. Epic.

Tho really following this line of logic to the end, if you love Nier but hate the Drakengard 3 Prequel Stage “The Story of Three” dlc, can you really say you like nier?

3 years ago

Suht up
Been a while since I got to legitimately use this but

Cope harder

3 years ago

this mfer really just reviewed other people's reviews instead of the game lmao

3 years ago

counterpoint: yoko taro was actually never a genius

3 years ago

lol the salt in these comments

1 year ago

One of the worst reviews on this site

1 year ago

"counterpoint: yoko taro was actually never a genius"
One of the best comments on this site

1 year ago

when people go "actually sweetie the game was better with a middle age father"

1 year ago

Yeah what a bad review