1204 Reviews liked by CrappySkills

Cozy game while talking with friends that doesn't require your full attention

This game surpassed my expectations before I even finished the entire thing. This might possibly be one of, if not, the most unique and creative games I've ever played, and its mechanics and fascinating story cement its status for me as an absolute favorite.

Great short little simple story about a guy and a girl talking, good game

A decent horror game, rather an identical to all the ones the same type, like pacify.

This game feels like it should be terrible. It's weirdly fun.

Reviewed on 01/12/22

I went back for the Platinum Trophy that I was supposedly close to. Two days of grinding later and I learned the meaning of burnout.



Boa exploração, bom survival de construção, péssimo jogo de combate e ação, e no fim está cheio de combate.

You get to become a gamified version of a 911/999 call operator.

The concept is cool, as I always liked good job simulator/strategy games. Controlling the vehicles of the various emergency services and dispatching them is fun. Receiving calls is nice, but the calls became very repetitive once the game run out of new call stuff besides the unique scenarios that appear per mission/city. Once you reach this point, the game becomes much more dull as you are play more streamlined due to the missing unpredictable factor.

I wish the game had more of a story but it’s fine for this genre of game to not have one. Also, I generally like low difficulty but this game was way too easy even on the harder difficulties because upgrades are so easily available. That being said, the graphics and art direction are nice and the general game direction is fine. I just wish they had more call variety.

All in all, its a really good time if you like job simulator/strategy but the game length is short as the game does reach an ending when the call variety ends, in my opinion.

Was okay - can be repetitive

One of the first few games I've ever bought, was pretty fun.

in colorado + arctic monkeys on soundtrack = goat

My ten year old brain was blown by the fact it was an open world racing game

I was able to fall in love with board games because of this game without needing to spend hundreds of dollars on games I didn't know I would like.

80% of the game was watching my friend get killed and me leaving immediately.