Bayonetta 2009

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

April 6, 2023

Platforms Played


Bayonetta, like most Platinum games, is a very fun, but deeply flawed experience. Unlike its cohorts (i.e. Devil May Cry 3 or Ninja Gaiden Black), Bayonetta constantly interrupts the flow of the game with cutscenes during missions, as opposed to the beginning and end of a mission. The cutscene's role in this game goes from being a welcome reprieve from the action to experience a simple yet well-fleshed out story, and instead becomes an annoyance that will constantly return to pester the player right when they reach proper momentum in the gameplay to continue delivering a nonsensical, hard-to-follow story. Of course, some of these cutscenes have instant death quick-time events which come out of nowhere to punish the player for having the audacity to mentally check out. Aside from the cutscenes, the action is solid (if inconsistent due to certain enemies not following the rules of witch time), and the stacy-tier protagonist keeps things entertaining with her flambouyant antics and varied moveset. The graphics and art style are fine, but there is so much filtering over the game that it lends itself to a fever-dream atmosphere. To be fair, this is a common hallmark amongst seventh gen games that had to hide the fact that they came out on inherently limited hardware, but Platinum games is a pretty big offender with this, especially with Metal Gear Rising and Vanquish. The soundtrack is perfect for this type of game, filled with frenetic bubblegum pop that will get stuck in your head despite not understanding any of the lyrics. The gameplay also has a tendency to be punishing and full of trial and error moments that will lead to many a quick and cheap death on the first playthrough of a mission, not just from combat but also traps and quick-time events that are not telegraphed prior to occuring. This, combined with the overly strict ranking system (this game is quick to give anyone a stone award, they aren't lenient in the awards system so you'll either get a stone or gold/platinum award and rarely get the ones in between), can lead to feeling enraged at the end of the level when you see Enzo's stony form gracing your screen. That being said, Bayonetta is not a bad game by any means. It just suffers from the unchecked, scattershot ambition of a man like Hideki Kamiya and a developer like Platinum Games.