4 reviews liked by Creepy_Chainsaw

they don't make them like this anymore. edgy weird mcfarlane/slipknot grotesquery. 2 cool.

Something about this game keeps drawing me back even though in the long run it's very tedious. I think it's the bangin soundtrack and the semi-mindless gameplay that let me plow through it, along with the wonderful "pandering to edgy teenage boys" aesthetic of everything.

The episodic format of this game really killed the pacing and made it devoid of the usual intrigue that hooked me in to the previous Layton games.

It's a shame, as the characters are fun, graphics pretty great for the artstyle and the customisation a great bonus feature.

My favorite game of all time, full stop. This was the last Katamari Game Keita Takahashi (the original creator of the Katamari series) worked on and everything from the music to the art design to the gameplay is as fine-tuned as possible. While Katamari Damacy is fantastic, We ♡ Katamari is perfect. My five stars are biased, I realize that. But oh well this is my list so uh deal with it B)