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12 days ago

Cresps_X12 reviewed Super Mario 64 DS
Enjoyed the game and bonus content but you don't need to go out of your way to play this especially if you've played the N64 version, if you're gonna try the DS Remake, please play with the analog and c-stick hack (IT'S A GAME CHANGER) or this will be very unpleasant, also while I find Yoshi fun to play, why did they had to divide the good stuff between 4 characters? Don't want to play with stinky Wario at all

But I gotta admit the QOL features and mini-map make this the perfect way for someone young to the Mario franchise try a 3D one

12 days ago

Cresps_X12 reviewed Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
Beautiful graphics and an unique game, the puzzles idea can get repetitive but they make you think and the story is decent

12 days ago

Cresps_X12 reviewed Resident Evil 3
So I haven't played Nemesis yet! But found this entry really solid, inferior to RE2R but didn't found it so lacking in the playtime department as I have read online. Enjoyed the action but would have liked more puzzles and a Nemesis that actually chases you, Mr. X style and not in the scripted style, it would be much scarier.

12 days ago

Cresps_X12 finished Super Mario 64 DS
Enjoyed the game and bonus content but you don't need to go out of your way to play this especially if you've played the N64 version, if you're gonna try the DS Remake, please play with the analog and c-stick hack (IT'S A GAME CHANGER) or this will be very unpleasant, also while I find Yoshi fun to play, why did they had to divide the good stuff between 4 characters? Don't want to play with stinky Wario at all

But I gotta admit the QOL features and mini-map make this the perfect way for someone young to the Mario franchise try a 3D one

12 days ago

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