A lifeless husk from what originally was one of my favorite games in the franchise and the final nail in the coffin for my love of RGG as a company AND a game series.

Cards are cool I guess.

Reviewed on Sep 15, 2023


9 months ago

Least over dramatic backloggd user

9 months ago

Oh no, I understand I'm being overdramatic but I've been having way too many problems with the series for the past few years and I was tired of bottling it up and thinking that they're improve as time went on.
I respect that RGG is doing what brings them money and I wish them the best for it, but I'm sick of my favorite games being turned into something I don't enjoy and one of my favorite games of all time (6) constantly being disrespected with every following entry.

9 months ago

I hope you can understand my perspective even if you don't agree with what I'm saying.

7 months ago

Explain yourself

7 months ago

@Moister I already did.

7 months ago

Explain why or how the remake differs from the original release. I'm interesting in knowing as well

7 months ago

This goes over quite a lot of the changes and accurately sums up my feelings on the game as well

7 months ago

@CrimsonMercuria Yeah, the combat isn't as fun as I think I would. The original Ishin used Y5's engine for combat and Y5 combat was already pretty good.

Though I would say most of the difficulty comes because of the RPG mechanics. You can either makes this really easy or really hard. Personally I didn't mind much about my equipment so the game was fairly challenging and hard. Probably the hardest the series has ever been for me. I also played on hard, that might have affected some of my experience. Boss fights to be exact were incredible outside some stinky ones.

I only didnt like the normal fight, the ones that are in groups but that's it. 1 star is still a bit too much if you ask me.