Imagine if they made Metal Slug 2 not slowdown when anything happened ever. I can almost 1CC this game from playing it so much, it is one of my favorite arcade style sidescrollers ever.

Eri is also cute I love Eri.

A fantastic introduction to what Yakuza is all about. The story will have you gripped if you're into crime drama, and the fun side attraction will keep you involved. However, the combat is simply not great. Prepare to chug stamina-zs the entire game.

A simply fun game. It has a well written story and the court room gameplay is very fun. it makes you feel so smart when you cut through the arguments of the prosecutor.

Edgeworth is my husband also.

What can I say about this game? It's bliss. Katamari is my favorite franchise ever, trumping Metal Gear Solid even due to the love this game instilled in me. It is my zen game when I want to relax and it keeps me grounded when I feel like I'm going to lose my mind.

The Katamari series is quirky and fun. The writing is very entertaining and extremely fun, with it being uniquely Japanese though the localization does succeed and making it understandable and charming to us over here.

The gameplay is the same as the other titles. You roll things up to make stars, sometimes with gimmicks attached. That's why it's so fun though! The simply act of learning the fastest route to hit the size you need is so much fun, and the visual style really aids in the strange gameplay.

Katamari Forever is not the best game in the series. It has slowdown issues and some other oddness that prevents it from being the best. it's also a glorified 'best of' album for the series as a whole. But, I can't deny, it is the game I keep coming back to because it has everything I love and then some.

Honestly, this game hit me pretty hard. As a kid I got the MGS collection PS2; it came in a hard cardboard case that housed the first three games. Each of them was their updated version except 1 which just came with VR missions.

I played them all and I was in love. It was a series that became a staple of who I am and informed my tastes for years to come.

When 4 came out I wanted it bad. I wanted it so bad I did everything I could to get a PS3. Then that Christmas I got it, and I got this game with it. I fell in love with this game because it was more of what I want. It had tight stealth gameplay coupled with amazing graphics for its time and a heart wrenching story about finding your place in the world that you feel no longer needs you.

Even with all this glowing praise, though, I have a hard time recommending it. As an adult I am privy to more of its flaws and how they make the product a bit less than what I remembered. However, I will still give it 5 stars because of the impact it had on me. I still think about this game to this day for good reason.

No game is perfect, and no game should be perfect. But this game means more than anyone will ever know.

Fantastic game, one with a lot of heart that feels like it came from a bygone era but in the best way possible. It does some batshit things with the story and I love it. I have some gripes with the gameplay itself, feels like they wanted to make the Nioh style more accessible but ended up making something else.

Over all, I recommend this to anyone who like Final Fantasy and even those that don't.