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1 day

Last played

April 26, 2024

Platforms Played


I'm split on this game. Has pretty split pros and cons. I enjoyed it and can see myself having fun with it for a short while with friends, but it has enough mechanical problems that it would get tiring quickly.
- At least solo, the game is simple enough to have fun with. Can do decently with either blind mashing or trying to exercise serious play .
- GCN release has infinite continues, which help fix some of the cons.
- The art style is really nice. It isn't outstanding, but I enjoy the renderings of the characters and I think it translates the classic designs well to 3D.

- This is an arcade fighter from the 90s, so expect HEAVY balancing issues. Some move strings which are way too strong, moves that can completely bypass shield with no consistency, etc.
- To add to the above, gotta have the classic boss character who is absurdly broken. Can take out half your health with an unblockable, infinite range attack that is also an approach tool. Many other faults.
- Controls feel inconsistent, especially with moves that require simultaneous button presses. Even with a dedicated button for hitting 2 or 3 others at once, often can feel like it just doesn't work.