Not nearly as poorly aged as other early 2000s shooters. The squad management mechanic is incredibly fun, and it nails the feel of the IP it is based off of. Gameplay is simple but fun, and it feels technically polished.
However, balancing feels terrible at times. Some guns feel useless and some encounters require a ton of trial and error. The level variety is less than ideal, particularly for the last third of the game.


A neat, short walking simulator. Plenty of really cool rendering and architecture. Not very scary if you aren't afraid of weird spaces. I greatly appreciate the restraint to not throw monsters or other scares in the environment, just general weirdness.

One of my absolute favorite games ever. However, going back to the original without the changes present in HD can be painful sometimes. Despite these pains and the possibility of great improvement, its pros certainly outweigh many of its cons. Although I must admit I have a large, sentimental, and positive bias towards this game. So take what I say with a grain of salt.

- One of the best aesthetic presentations in a Zelda game to date. The graphics and art style still look great over two decades later. The musical score and sound effects are all fantastic, and the set pieces for bosses and cutscenes are usually outstanding.
-An excellent story the actively builds upon the lore setup by OoT while setting up something unique for the future. One of the best conclusions to any game I have ever played.
-Incredibly cool characters to support it. The two sages, Tetra, boat king, and especially Ganondorf all contribute to the incredible feel of the game. Side characters can be great too, such as Salvador, Tingle, and of course Grandma.
-Solid controls and gameplay, with some incredible item usage through grapple hook, a faster boomerang, etc. The Deku leaf alone is stupidly fun. There is a reason gliders were brought back in some form for many games after.
-Some really solid dungeon designs with neat themes. Each one feels unique and most feel well designed.
-Especially for new players, the game can have horrible pacing issues. The beginning feels like a longer slog than it actually is, blind Triforce charts take an absolute eternity, and going for 100% will take an extraordinary amount of travel time. This congests the middle and end of the game, making a slog.
-Some minigames are really poorly designed. Splish Kaboom is maddening without the help of the fanmade calculator, sword training heart piece is pure tedium, blind trading quest is incredibly boring, etc.
-For a game with 3 (or 4 if you include forest haven) major population centers, the meaningful content feels unfairly distributed between them. Dragonroost island really only has one meaningful non-story quest and its just the mail minigame, Forest Haven has statue collecting (actual hell with GCN version limitations), Outset has a tedious minigame and slowly moving a pig for a heart piece. There could be so much more.
- Given how many islands offer repetition or next to nothing, you could shrink the number by a decent number without negatively impacting the game.
-Lack of QoL features . Sail and Windwaker are a given when using the boat, which has two unbound d-pad keys. Why not use those so you can free up more item slots? Why do we have to watch the song cutscene every single time? What is even the point of paying a small fortune for all 8 triforce charts? Why is the Pictobox limited to only 3 photographs? The remaster of this game certainly adds needed QoL changes.
- A decent chunk of the game was apparently cut in favor of a rushed development, which just sucks in general.

A very short game, but creates some insanely creative mazes. A great puzzle game for a short playthrough, especially for one that is completely free to play.

Really weird. The premise of a racer with a heavily branching track, running instead of driving, and jumping/swimming/other abilities is incredibly promising. However, Sonic R has a tiny course selection and surprisingly shallow usage of this potential that detracts heavily from replayability, as well as poor controls.
The music is so poorly fitting it is amazing, but the songs are actually weirdly good.

Played through the GCN Gems Collection
While not a terrible entry, it definitely has it's quality overblown due to a history of scarcity and poor access.
Some levels are fun while many others are unremarkable.
Soundtrack is great, but the sound effects are horrible.
Neat to play for the novelty, but I would rather play any of the genesis games. However, these may be due to the quality of the emulation on the GCN.

While it has some enjoyable titles, I am personally not a fan of any of the Game Gear games. I feel this collection could've been stronger had it not focused so heavily on them, the Mega collection released on the same consoles is just superior in every way.
And with better ways to access most of this collection through emulation or other releases, this is really just the Sonic the Fighters disc.

I'm split on this game. Has pretty split pros and cons. I enjoyed it and can see myself having fun with it for a short while with friends, but it has enough mechanical problems that it would get tiring quickly.
- At least solo, the game is simple enough to have fun with. Can do decently with either blind mashing or trying to exercise serious play .
- GCN release has infinite continues, which help fix some of the cons.
- The art style is really nice. It isn't outstanding, but I enjoy the renderings of the characters and I think it translates the classic designs well to 3D.

- This is an arcade fighter from the 90s, so expect HEAVY balancing issues. Some move strings which are way too strong, moves that can completely bypass shield with no consistency, etc.
- To add to the above, gotta have the classic boss character who is absurdly broken. Can take out half your health with an unblockable, infinite range attack that is also an approach tool. Many other faults.
- Controls feel inconsistent, especially with moves that require simultaneous button presses. Even with a dedicated button for hitting 2 or 3 others at once, often can feel like it just doesn't work.

I'm mixed on this game.
It presents a good concept that can utilize the DS touchscreen very well. It also presents a unique setting that can be used for telling some unique story.
It is often fun and engaging.
However it suffers from some incredibly poor pacing at times. The overworld and level structure offers a ton of promise that is never delivered on properly. Mechanics for traversal and planning your team properly to balance traversal and capture abilities are rarely utilized.
There are some moments of incredibly poor ideas, like an escort mission where your little npc getting dived by an insect in a narrow corridor forces you to start over.
And the difficulty spikes in this game are intense, rarely have I seen such drastic and mandatory spikes.
Also awesome how the game has a quicksave function for saving anywhere, but it's that silly power down the system immediately quicksave. Why not just let us save anywhere then?

Idk, this game was really fun at times and has potential it fails to really utilize well.

No words I am capable of writing can describe the joyful feelings this game gives me. A surprisingly heartfelt reminder of the importance of games.
It is an incredibly heartfelt, colorful, and creative adventure supported by an amazing soundtrack and simple, yet fun mechanics. It is not genre defining or innovative, and it doesn't have to be to deserve all the praises of the world.
Genuinely surprised by how much I ended up adoring this title.

An extremely competent kirby game. The new powerups and the touch screen inventory are fun ideas, even if they don't always work in concept. I cannot say there's any super poor level design, or that I didn't enjoy the overall gameplay.
However, I wish that the game was more difficult than it is. Kirby games aren't difficult games, but especially compared to the games following this one, it felt way too easy for most of its run. Having a Kirby final boss, an absolute cosmic abomination, be easier than almost every single boss is downright shameful. Soundtrack isn't as particularly memorable as other Kirby games either, although the Squeak's theme is pretty great.

Great game, I just wish it was better.

The game is an excellent one for picking up and beating on a day off or a long afternoon. It's simplegraphical style is charming, its soundtrack cozy, and the movement is EXTREMELY fun.
Really my only complaints are wishing there was more of it. Combat feels extremely underutilized to the point of wondering why it's even there past the halfway point. Otherwise, its pretty good!

Decently fun party fighter. Maybe I would like it better if I put more time into learning the characters.
Feels a bit sluggish and I wish there was more, but it works well for what it is. Combat is fun in spite of this, and there are incredibly satisfying moments. The energy/breath mechanic is a ton of fun even if it can feel busted sometimes.
The AI in solo can be brutal but I think it was a lot of fun.

Regardless of the fact that this was the first DS game for the most popular IP on the planet, the fact that this game is bland and ENTIRELY controlled by frantic stylus swiping is an absolute tragedy.

It suffers from technical polish and a short completion time, but it is genuinely the greatest 3D platformer I have played in over a decade. An incredibly fun traversal system, charming characters, and a stunning soundtrack. If you haven't had a good 3D platforming experience in a while, try this.