Never finished it looked cool tho

It was fun but doesn’t hit the same anymore ngl

No way another game that came out my birth year that’s my favorite of all time 😭 god I love this one

Apparently I played this I don’t remember when or how tho

I loved this one as a kid so much bruh I don’t think I care for it now but man the world was so interesting

One of the greatest story modes and soundtracks of all time I must say. Still can replay this one and it’s intriguing. And the soundtrack for this one inspired me a lot

I had got this game cause it was like Tenkaichi 3 but turned out it wasn’t much more exciting

It’s peak man a childhood favorite I don’t love it as much now tho

I don’t remember much about this one

Really fun game it just got repetitive tho (I only played online tbh)

I had this game on Gameboy I don’t think I ever played it tho but now the disc is broken sadly

Ok my boy loves this one so imma have to replay it soon I don’t remember loving it tho