This game is bad. That's really all there is to say.

Enjoyed it, but Sonic was not really my thing. But respect the game a lot for the fan service etc.

Haven't played in awhile, but fun as a remember it. Had a lot of character.

Way more content, and has a lot of great games like basketball, Air Sports, and Swordplay.

As a tech demo, this game rules. But it only has 5 main games and a few extras, so lacking a bit of content but fun overall to play with friends.

Fun, but not as good as the original. Less fun games to play, but a few gems in there. Would recommend the original over this.

Fun party game on the Wii. Would recommend if looking for casual party game.

A pretty good sequel, but lacks some of the magic of the first. Additions to creative freedom is nice though, and playing with friends through levels is fun.

Made a ton of levels on this game, and met a lot of friends through this game. Awesome game with a ton of awesome levels.

Fun little side thing for NSMBU, I enjoyed it, but is kinda the same levels just with 100 seconds and more funky physics.

Fun overall, but is more of the same of last 2 games. Fun with friends, but not innovative at all comparatively to the last 2.

A lot of fun with friends, but mostly copies DS formula and does it effectively. Playing with 4 friends is hectic though and is what makes it fun.

2nd game I ever played. This one was way better, and I had a lot of fun just playing random levels with great music. Best in the "New" Mario Bros series.

First Game I ever played. Uh, not very good but as a kid played the heck out of the game. Okay game I guess.

Super quirky and fun, it was one of my favorite games to play on the 3DS.