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1 day

Last played

September 12, 2022

Platforms Played


Xenoverse 2 is probably the best Dragon Ball fan-fiction you'll ever experience. I loved the story and how it dealt with time travel and different timelines so it could incorporate non-canon fan favorite characters from various DBZ movies or GT. The combat is fun and has decent depth to it thanks to all the customization options for various skills. Creating your own character and training with iconic DBZ characters to learn their moves is a cool concept. The biggest thing that holds the game back for me is the MMO-like design because I am not really an MMO fan and also how ridiculously grindy it can get and how later challenges are nearly impossible to complete on your own without friends (All of this could tie in with the MMO complaint tbh). I'm sure the MMO style design and grindy gameplay won't bother a lot of people as much as it does me, but even with that in mind this whole game is just really good fan service for Dragon Ball fans and worth playing for that reason alone.