It's a good game, but I'll never understand why people believe it's some masterpiece and the greatest Sonic game compared to the classic Sega Genesis trilogy, those games are just so much more memorable to me and this feels pretty generic, almost everything this game does I've seen done in older Sonic titles, but better. What do I know though? That's probably just my nostalgia speaking since I grew up with those games.

Reviewed on Mar 30, 2021


3 years ago

as someone who played those older sonic titles recently, yeah it's definitely your nostalgia

3 years ago

sonic mania is the perfect sonic game

3 years ago

i grew up with and love 2 and 3 but for all the strengths those games have, they have some pretty significant low points

i don't think mania has a single bad stage and i'd honestly say its only significant problems are playing blue sphere for the unlockables and that encore mode is underwhelming