While it is certainly inferior to the original and not quite the masterpiece it could've been, I still had a lot of fun with the overall experience and don't think it deserves nearly as much hate as it gets.

Let's start with the gameplay. It felt almost identical to the Resident Evil 2 Remake and that's fine by me, the controls are very refined, both the movement and shooting feels great and the biggest new mechanic, the "perfect dodge" allowing Jill to role out of the way and unleash a slowed down counter attack shot or Carlos to do a nice punch was a cool addition and certainly plays off the over-the-top action style this game goes for.

Level design though much more linear and without many real puzzles compared to Resident Evil 2 Remake is still very well done and fun to go through and though there's hardly any backtracking, there's still a few secrets to be discovered. Some full segments were cut from the game like the Clock Tower and Raccoon City Park and that's a shame, but what we did get was still great.

The core story is pretty much the same as the original with a few minor details changed or remixed. It's still all about Jill trying to evacuate Raccoon City, save people and escape Nemesis and you still learn more about Umbrella's corruption and bioweapon experimentations. Sure Nikolai is no longer the captain of the UBCS and Carlos visits the RPD instead of Jill to mention a couple changes, but though the journey might be changed a bit, the destination and goal is still the same.

The characters are fleshed out much more this time around especially giving Carlos more of a personality and making Tyrell have a much bigger part in the story as well, Jill is the same sarcastic, badass we've always known and love and the game expands upon Carlos and Jill's partnership and how it naturally evolves in a believable way. The dialogue is certainly the same b-movie camp you'd expect from RE and there's some great one-liners, but that's exactly what we want from the series isn't it?

Like I mentioned before this remake is much more action than survival horror, I rarely felt like I needed to conserve resources and always had plenty of ammo. Some might not like that, but I love action based RE when it's done right and this game does it right. Yeah it's ridiculous and over-the-top and unrealistic, but it's so much fun to watch and play. Jill picks up a rail gun that has recoil strong enough to destroy the pavement around her when fired, that would shatter every bone in her body in reality, but if Chris can punch a boulder, Jill can get away with this.

Also speaking of action, every boss fight with Nemesis is just that, super action packed. They're all unique encounters that you have different little gimmicks behind them which you fight in various ways and the high octane cut-scenes after the fights will always have you saying "That looked awesome!" I know that's what I was saying.

All in all while the game is far from the masterpiece of the original, there's quite a bit of reused assets from RE2 Remake and it has a lot of wasted potential like cut content of certain in-game levels and Mercenaries Mode, it does do some cool new things going to greater lengths to flesh out characters and making the gameplay more enjoyable and if you can separate it from the original game it can still be a very fun experience to fans of the action horror genre. Plus it also has some decent replay value due to some bonus unlockable weapons and difficulty modes.

Reviewed on Jun 09, 2021
