Criminally underrated coop game.

Initially I thought why would anybody make this. It only took me about 2 hours to beat and becomes quite rewarding.

This game had ray tracing but it also had a no-dialogue story between a father and son lego bricks.

This game made me talk to my sisters more.

I play both pokemon games for the exclusives.

Pokemon games can have voice acting?

These games make me want to vomit.

Underrated? This is as good as any traditional 3D Zelda and the motion controls were good. Controversial sorry

Could have had some fine tuning on the puzzles so you don't need to repeat so many days and do so much waiting but this game was really cool.

I have art in my house based on this game. Best thing since reading a book.


I love when I have to pull out a notepad.

Kirby works so well to make a game easy but still super fun. It has platforming where you can fly but you still feel the need to not fall. The extra content in this game and "Don't get hit" challenges for bosses add so much content. Perfect level design, perfect Kirby design. I'm frothing


Stray offered a lot more than I expected it to. Also it has no business looking as good as it does??