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1 day

Last played

June 26, 2022

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It's one of those weird cases where they've removed a bunch of the little annoyances that there were in the previous games and its made it worse?

Like you don't have to worry about spending too much money because the currency has been simplified to one token that can buy you everything you'd need and is easily restockable. You don't have to worry about swapping out your primary weapon for an explosive one because there's a third slot just for explosive weapons. You don't even have to worry about running out of C4 because you now just get an unlimited number of them.

As a result everything's way more streamlined and sounds more appealing but makes everything into busy work as you just kind of glide over outposts shooting rockets, I barely tried anything else because that works every time and there's no reason not to. Getting the fastest car in the game or the fastest jet isn't as fun as Just Cause 2 because I have an endless amount of them and can just fly about whenever I want. Its more explosive and action filled than Just Cause 2 but because everything's so streamlined for me I don't feel like I'm engaging with a world and so don't feel like experimenting with its systems.

It's the game equivalent of drinking sugar as a child, exciting at first then you just vomit EVERYWHERE