While I have a good few handfuls of games that I rank as 5 star masterpieces, for almost 30 years I’ve only thought Chrono Trigger and Super Metroid were perfect. After playing God of War Ragnorak this week that duo of my opinion perfect games has become a trio.

The first thing that will always stand out to me about this game from now until I die is how fleshed out and wonderful every main and side character truly are. There is a great deal of depth in every character and circumstances in thier lives that have made them who they are. Kratos obviously has had the most development. Looking back at who and what he was in the original God of War to what he is now at the end of Ragnarok is an absolute beautifully tuned story. A blood thirsty, vengeful, selfish, reckless, ruthless young man/god to a selfless father who will do anything for his son as well as his family that has banned together over our time over the last two games, that has opened up his heart to become a loving, thoughtful, tactical, and forgiving leader of a nation. Kratos arguably has the biggest character arc in my favorite medium. He is now my favorite character in the medium as well.

But it’s not just about Kratos. The changes, the ups the downs, the twisting fates and arcs of Atreus, Freya, Mimir, Angrboda, Sindri, Brok, Thor, Tyr, Faye, Frayr, Sif, Thrud, Fenrir, and Jörmungandr are all absolutely beautifully crafted. This is my favorite cast of characters in the the medium.

With all these amazing characters and thier arcs you can probably tell how I feel about the story. It’s like playing a cinematic masterpiece. The final third or so of the game I could not stop myself from playing in anticipation of what was going to happen next. There is so much grief and so many triumphs packed into the 25 or so hours that it will take to beat the game. The game does an amazing job of giving so many clues to story beats in small details that will be near impossible to catch on the first playthrough but are obvious when you think back on your journey at the end or start a second playthrough. I believe this to be one of the best stories in gaming.

I already said this is like playing a cinematic masterpiece so again you can probably tell how I felt about the artistry in this game. All of the nine realms are beautiful and expanded from GOW 2018. The visuals are breathtaking and the musical score hit just right every single moment of the game.

The gameplay was very much improved and expanded on from GOW 2018. Everything feels just a little tighter and more under control. The blades and axe make their return and this time you also are equipped with a new awesome spear. The game also has many combintions of characters. You will always be either Kratos or Atreus but there are times where several different characters will be traveling with you and will be backing you up. Between companions and your skill tree it keeps fights fresh and fun throughout the game.

I don’t know where Santa Monica Studios will take this amazing story next but with what they have gifted us so far I know that I will be waiting patiently, knowing they will do the fans right, and buying the next game the day it is up for pre-order.

Reviewed on Dec 30, 2022
