3 reviews liked by Dabchinsky

one of the best multiplayer pvp games.

miscellaneous notes:

- the first and only multiplayer pvp game to incorporate building and destruction in a way that feels natural (that is, does not come off as a gimmick) and actually matters.

- extremely simple mechanics with extremely high skill ceilings -- archer is not worse than knight, but they are certainly harder. high-level builder requires absurd and excessive skill.

- incredibly dynamic matches with territorial ebb and flow and war-infrastructure construction and demolition that is reminiscent of real warfare but sped up.

- i would say there's a potential gamemode better than CTF, but CTF is in many ways perfect for this game.

- there could probably be another class. it feels like some niche is missing its fulfillment, some piece of the puzzle is absent, but i'm not sure what. maybe this is just the maximalist part of me talking, and if i had my way there would be minimum 9 classes.

one of the best experiences of all time, HORRIBLE game, amazing experience