Excelent mechanics and a completely terrible and forgetable story.
A great example of difficulty in games, but people often ignore how almost half of the game is a mess that throws everything it builds to the floor and then has an aneurysm over the shattered glass

Reviewed on Nov 28, 2020


I'm coming at this from a biased perspective as someone who genuinely loves the lore this game uses (to the point where I've written substancial work on fan theories) so I'm curious as to why you think the storytelling fails? Not trying to be rude I'm genuinely intrigued :)

3 years ago

Hey, sorry I didn't read this until now!
Personally for me, I understand the appeal of fan theories, but in my opinion it doesn't work. The sheer level of cryptic stuff displayed here makes you feel like nothing really matters, you're just a sad knight killing sad knights in the kingdom of Sadistan.
Displaying lore in objects and items feels like it was made as a second tought. I mostly think of it as books in other games. I just don't think it's that innovative or well implemented