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This game started off very strong, and had me captivated from the beginning. It's character designs and art were unique, and unsurprisingly after glancing through the gallery of the artist's accounts, reminded me of some other series I enjoy. I had no idea what it was about from the beginning, but was excited to play.

The part was fun, exploring the church was interesting and the atmosphere was pleasant, though I will not deny that I do think the sprites, while interesting, were a little awkward. The suspicious mirror man, Leon, and Ryker were all characters of interest immediately. Upon leaving to the new area, I felt the scenery was a bit lacking in other places-- not horribly, but things felt very "dead" despite the amount of NPCs, which I do not think it was going for. I had fun for the most part for the next few hours, I do not really feel like making this review super in depth, so I will just move on to the disappointing parts.

At a certain point, for one, Ryker is for some reason more caught up in romancing Accardi than anything else, and caught up in the Three Bizarro's relationship business, which I thought was odd. Considering all of the supernatural things happening around them. And we have the time to stop and go on a bar date ?!

Anyways, the ending of the latest chapter, whatever it was, was bizarre. Why? In what world would the lesson here be to "learn forgiveness and to let things go" when your best friend was murdered by a man in a mirror, who now seems to be stalking you? Forgiving themselves is one thing, but "letting go" of your supernatural stalker who can seemingly kill you from any location, anywhere? How can forgiveness occur when Ryker still doesn't even know what is going on? The harsh dive from "dating sim" to "you just need to forgive yourself" did not make any sense to me... I did not enjoy the last bits. I hope, whenever this is finished, that this will be redressed by the final, polished product; because I do truly think this has potential, as messy as the writing was towards the end.

My final complaint: It's a yaoi world out there. It is actually the "this is the world... of yaoi" meme. The version that I downloaded a year or two ago, and I have been made aware of a new version that I refuse to redownload as I do not feel like replaying it from the beginning as I assume I might need to do(?), had absolutely no female characters. A dead associate, a wife being cheated on, a daughter... and no one else. None of them even physically show up; there are absolutely no women that show up at any point, nor that have any presence in the immediate plot.

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I tried hard to give this a fair chance, but this game has way too many flaws to ignore. It is written so, so poorly.

The plot feels like it is on the back burner more than half the time and is outright ignored for furthering the relationship between the two characters, who absolutely do not act as if they are in a serious, life or death situation at any point. It feels as if they are out of place within their own story, not even they seem to grasp what is going on at any moment, or have any awareness of the danger that seems to be just around the corner. There is no suspense, and there is not what I would call "a heartfelt moment" until the very end of chapter 2.

The art style is somewhat interesting, but is also sort of really awkward and bothered me at times; there is a quality to it that I just can not place that always feels vaguely off and is somewhat uncomfortable as a result.

The "ermm she's right behind me, isn't she?" humor mixed with the "dank memes lmao" feels like it's dated itself for a time it isn't even from, especially since the plot seems to take place within the last five years.

I think the concept of this game could be interesting, but none of the interesting aspects are explored further. If the writer could step away from the dismissive, overly lighthearted tone to actually write this game's plot and dialogue, it would greatly benefit. I do not need an full length novel, I want... anything to chew on. Everything is handed to you so straight, it is hard for me to not feel bored whilst playing through this game.

I wanted to like this game and push through it, I've completed everything there is to do currently and plan to play it to completion to further develop my views, but I was just not a fan and it is hard to see myself ever enjoying this game. I will try to return to this with an open mind, but as of now, this is just a mess.