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My story with this game is I played it at this girl's house in elementary school and BEGGED silly for it for Xmas. I got it for Xmas, and had another girl come over and play it, and then she begged for it the next Xmas, and so the cycle continued, yadda yadda. It's not an uncommon one with video games, to be fair.

Looking back, this game was pretty bare bones, but the basic premise of just having a game that let you make your own outfits based on different themed challenges throughout the story weirdly never felt very widespread in Western gaming environments (the insanely large dress-up market in handheld and online flash games that eventually made it to Western young girl pop culture became more mainstream later in the 2000s). Getting a proper computer game that made that the focus was really fun to finally have. It's easy to understand why it's still so beloved to this day.