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Time Played

5h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

December 12, 2023

First played

November 15, 2023

Platforms Played

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REALLY fun FPS that my awesome friend @10reviews got me into! Duke Nukem 3D has everything I love in a FPS: a fun variety of weapons, an awesome array of levels, and super cool enemies to blow the heads off of. Best of all, the protagonist himself is really stupid + funny, and his weird quips he lets out are amusing, but done infrequently enough that it doesn't get annoying. There's not much to say about Duke Nukem 3D at this point that I'm sure others have already said much better than I can, especially people who are bigger fans of FPSs - but what I can say is I had a really great time playing it, to the point that I think it's currently my favorite FPS... either that or Half-Life 1. Both are just so good but in different ways!

If you're looking for a raunchy boomer shooter, I can't recommend Duke Nukem 3D enough!
