Log Status






Time Played

7h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

December 27, 2022

First played

December 18, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


This game is insane for being on the Game Boy. The perfect length for a portable system, with a short yet satisfying tale of platforming, rescue, and transformation. The music is especially beautiful for again, being on the Game Boy and the graphics are crazy good, I was absolutely shocked at the visuals, and never felt bored in gameplay or story. On top of all that, the humor got quite a few laughs out of me, with the Prince (who I named Ringo/Apple after the food dessert theme... Hey! I panicked! Apple can be a dessert!) getting all types of trouble from being an accidental pervert and constantly being jumped in the middle of the street. After a fun and increasingly challenging adventure, you save the princess (with extra twists involved, but I'll keep the surprise for you to experience) with you and Prince Richard also returning to your familiar ways and fighting for her hand in marriage. An amazing game for the original Game Boy, that it's no wonder this is such a classic in Japan.

Screenshots I took that I liked during gameplay:

Fun Text. Translation: hahaha
Cardinal Directions. Don't know how they did this in the English edition and wonder if they just changed it to arrows.
Pervert Prince!
Pervy guy excited that the onsen is mixed bathing lmao