It's Pac-Man but better (in my and... honestly a lot of people's opinion) and what you're most likely going to have played if you're from the United States, as Ms. Pac-Man was a North American-only cabinet, taken by Midway after being shown the Crazy Otto modification to original Pac-Man. Pac-Man was an enormous hit in the US (I mean, who doesn't remember Pac-Man Fever!) but Ms. Pac-Man was made directly in the United States, which made distribution (and not needing to change that pesky Puck-Man casing to our beloved Pac-Man) significantly easier and cheaper.

I was reading online about the complicated history that Ms. Pac-Man has, and apparently Namco doesn't really like talking about her because they're a bit embarrassed a game using their mascot but made by a separate company overseas did so well. The creator of Pac-Man refuses to even acknowledge her either. I think Ms. Pac-Man is really cool, though, and I think her weird history makes her even cooler. Game's not half-bad, too ⸜( ´ ꒳ ` )⸝


Reviewed on Nov 26, 2023

1 Comment

5 months ago

As someone interested on this whole ordeal that sadly had sadly find itself in(it's honestly so interesting and strange, never seen something like it in the gaming space), the articles linked are super interesting, and I'd probably never had found them if it wasn't for this. Thank you so much and great review!