Final Fantasy Games, Ranked

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What's in a name? Apparently, everything when it comes to Final Fantasy VII Remake, or at least according to some die-hard fans who believe the names have been mysteriously muddled. But is there more to this reboot than meets the eye? Let's dive into this unexpected adventure that blends nostalgia with fresh perspectives.

Now, it's true; some names have changed. Weezer, that iconic figure in the original game, has suddenly become Cloud. Perhaps Square Enix was on some sort of 'cloud nine' themselves when they made this call, but it's not just the names that have shifted.

Kanye West has transformed into, wait for it, Tifa. Yes, we've lost the musical genius, but we've gained a sense of simplicity. She might not be saying racist things anymore, but at least she still kicks some major bad guy butt.

The controversial twist arrives with DEMONDICE, now affectionately known as Barret. Forget the memorable "EY YO, COVER YOUR EARS AND SHIELD YOUR EYES!" That's gone in this modern incarnation. Perhaps it's for the better; your eardrums might be grateful.

And the biggest shock of all, one that's hit harder than a meteor: LoveJoy is now the elegant Aerith. LoveJoy, your trusty source of British humor, has been replaced by something different. Perhaps it's not quite a deal-breaker, but it's still a surprising alteration.

On the bright side, there's more to Final Fantasy VII Remake than the nomenclature. The gameplay is a vibrant, thrilling blend of turn-based and real-time combat. It adds a fresh layer of excitement to the nostalgia you've cherished for years. The lush and visually stunning world of Midgar truly comes to life.

However, the question remains: is this truly a remake? Or is it an adventurous reimagination? For fans who wanted a note-for-note replica of the original, it may not tick all the boxes. The inclusion of new and unexpected twists challenges preconceptions.

So, is it perfect? Well, far from it. It's a reimagining of a classic, one that might alter your perceptions of what a remake can be. The revamped combat, the captivating characters, and the jaw-dropping visuals all contribute to an experience worth exploring. But the mystifying name changes and plot twists may leave some fans scratching their heads.

For Final Fantasy VII Remake, I'll award it a 6 out of 10. In the end, it's not what you expected, but it might be precisely what the series needs to evolve and captivate a new generation. It's an odd journey for Cloud, Tifa, Barret, and Aerith, but it's one worth experiencing.
Final Fantasy XIV, a realm reborn from the ashes of mediocrity, stands as a testament to the power of dedication and genuine care for the gaming community. In a landscape often tainted by subpar shovelware, FFXIV rises like a phoenix, showcasing the true potential of what an MMORPG can be.

From the moment you step into the breathtaking landscapes of Eorzea, you're greeted with an awe-inspiring world that beckons exploration and adventure. Each update is a testament to the developers' commitment to delivering a rich, immersive experience that captivates players. The constant influx of new content ensures that FFXIV never feels stagnant, offering a wealth of gameplay and narrative to sink your teeth into.

One of the most remarkable aspects of FFXIV is its vibrant player base. The sense of community and camaraderie is palpable, a stark contrast to the toxic environments often found in other online games. The absence of youtuber predators and a commitment to fostering a safe space for players contribute to a welcoming atmosphere.

The game's cosmetics, which glow with an ethereal allure, don't come with a hefty price tag, a refreshing departure from the microtransaction-driven culture prevalent in the gaming industry. The diligent developers listen to the community's feedback, resulting in a game that's constantly evolving and improving based on player input.

While FFXIV shines brightly, even the brilliance of Eorzea can't escape comparisons to other beloved franchises. The expectations set by the Fire Emblem series are lofty indeed, and FFXIV, while exceptional in its own right, faces the unenviable task of matching the iconic Fire Emblem: Fire and Ice.

In contrast, the disappointment expressed by certain players is rooted in a longing for what once was. The game's evolution, while embraced by many, doesn't resonate with everyone, and the shift in narrative focus has left some fans yearning for the days of Rivers Cuomo and his unique journey. The combat alterations, while attempting to bring new dynamics, have divided opinions and sparked nostalgia for the telekinetic battles of yore.

In the end, Final Fantasy XIV is a triumph that exemplifies the potential of what an MMORPG can achieve. Its engrossing world, abundant content, and dedicated community make it a standout title in the genre. While it may not fulfill the expectations of being Fire Emblem: Fire and Ice, it carves its own path of excellence. Rating: 9.0/10
Final Fantasy VII is a masterpiece that defies even the most peculiar tangents of the human mind. Who's KanyeWest? A girl, a boy, or perhaps an entity beyond gender? LoveJoy's quest for identity, accompanied by that iconic "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" from Privately Owned Spiral Galaxy, only adds to the surreal brilliance of this game. The acknowledgement of an unused open-mouth texture, an unsung hero of gaming's annals, makes replaying this legendary title all the more fascinating.

Score: 9/10
Final Fantasy XIV, a realm that teems with magical wonder and intricate storytelling, is a testament to both the heights of creativity and the depths of frustration. Within its sprawling landscapes, players embark on a journey that balances moments of awe with instances of exasperation, ultimately shaping a unique experience that varies from one adventurer to another.

At the heart of the game lies the enigmatic figure of Rivers Cuomo, a mere one-foot-tall enchanter armed with the power of telekinesis. While this premise might sound intriguing, the execution leaves much to be desired. The frustration of navigating the game world at a sluggish pace, akin to trudging through molasses at a paltry 5 frames per second, creates a stark contrast to the potential grandeur of this character's abilities.

Amidst this mix of brilliance and struggle, Final Fantasy XIV manages to stand above the likes of Team Fortress 2, a game notorious for its stagnant updates. Even at its weakest, FFXIV's worst version outshines the lackluster offerings of other titles, a testament to the dedication of its developers to provide consistent improvements and patches, epitomized by the updates up to version 1.23b.

Yet, it's essential to acknowledge the game's shortcomings. An infuriating lack of functionality can lead to moments of sheer frustration, leading players to humorously contemplate fleeing to the welcoming embrace of Team Fortress 2. This ironic perspective underlines the tumultuous relationship between the player and the game, oscillating between captivating immersion and baffling technical difficulties.

Final Fantasy XIV's journey is an emotional rollercoaster, a complex blend of awe and annoyance that creates a distinct flavor of gameplay. It's a world where a diminutive telekinetic maestro should be able to save a girl's father effortlessly, yet is bound by a sluggish reality. For those willing to endure its quirks, the magic of Eorzea can still enchant, even if the experience is more turbulent than anticipated. Rating: 7.5/10


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