Perfect local co op. Battle mode that has not even been remotely matched on other versions. Loved that you could cheat in some levels.

Another perfect local co op game with also a very deep single player that encourages perfection. Hard to pick which is better this or perfect dark but both 5/5

I used to be firmly in the banjo tooie is bigger and better. But while the former is still true the latter is not. This has the perfect balance of level size and scope. Also an even 100 jiggies which is the correct number that the sequel somehow messes up. Fantastic collect-a-thon platformer

I think this game gets too much hate and is too overlooked. It has a lot of good ideas , and even has some neat overworld mechanic of unlocking new sections of the map. Still perplexed as to why they introduced a new kong that played identical to Donkey. Music not nearly as good as first two I think Wise was not here for the full game or something

I still enjoyed these games at the time and have yet to revisit with the n sane trilogy so this based solely on nostalgia but even then I know the platforming is an acquired taste but I like the secrets for sure

Perfect puzzler every time you think your are stumped you figure it out. Helps that you are in safe hands with the dev where you always know the solution is there you just haven’t figured it out yet. Also love that your paths are blocked leading you to not second guess if you forgot something or not. Wish music was a bit more bumping

My second final fantasy with the first being 16 just a month or so ago. What a whiplash. This is an rpg so much variety in combat and lots of strategizing. Love taking advantage of enemy weaknesses and figuring out ways to optimize stagger and damage. Very unique combat with the real time and turn based. Story was very engaging and very excited for Rebirth. I never played original so I’m sure I am missing out on stuff but this was a fun ride. Difficulty was tough but fair usually. Until the second last boss for me which had egregious checkpointing such that I had to knock down to easy which made it trivial I wish that was ironed out in playtesting. Also I really like the materia system but wish we had pre-sets for characters. The game was great but felt it could have been like 25 hours and accomplished the same thing. Fun game

Short and sweet. Good mix up to the combat that I took to right away. Looking forward to hopefully seeing more of these characters in Rebirth. Right length. Did not engage with the side game whatsoever

Fun game very breezy. Hard to distinguish all three but enjoy them and would play another in 5 years. Stealth I wish was harder and more plentiful. The web line was fun but made it too easy. Faces never looked right especially MJ and Harry. Fast travel was a treat very cool. Story was predictable and not sure I love venom anything but it keep me invested.

Pretty unique concept though felt the puzzles became less breezy by the third world. Maybe I’m dumb but lost momentum.

Pretty fun and fast and fluid platformer shooter. Was having a great time but doesn’t have suspend mode for some reason on Xbox which usually is a deal breaker for me after doing one level too many times and progress restarting. Would like to go back one day. Maybe steam.

Want to get last few trophies to get 100% on the whole game (got platinum in base game) but one of the collectibles started bugging I think. And a couple runs in row that ended on complete bs made me put the game down for a bit. Might come back some day

Interesting game. The normal difficulty is way tougher than the game looks on its surface. But I stuck with it and found it to be pretty rewarding. Often bosses thought I had no chance only to get them a few tries later. Good mix of combat puzzles and platforming. Good motif used throughout the soundtrack. Two main gripes one the parry is truly awful. Sorry I’ve platinumed Sekiro I never once felt like parry was something I could rely on. Second more minor gripe, bad checkpointing on final boss. Huge no-no for me. Stopped to easy for that one


Honestly I’ve never heard of anyone talk about this game but I was looking for games to play on PS extra before sub runs out and I found this to be the definition of a hidden gem. Nothing crazy but what this game sets out to do which is an atmospheric simple puzzle platformer adventure it succeeds in spades. Just the right length, super breezy, good variety in puzzles and platforming, good music. Honestly hard to ding this game other than being easy which is a plus in my books. Great palette cleanser. Took <4 hours to platinum very natural play through too.

Chipped away at this in very small chunks over the last few months. Fun game lots of creative ideas. But something about it just wasn’t compelling me to power through it all like in normally do with these games. Some little issues with the game can’t quite put my finger on it something about physics felt off sometimes. I don’t get some of the wonderseed rooms. Badges were a neat idea that only really shined in the final final level. Which spoiler alert I did not get the flagpole in and I ain’t doing that nonsense again. Great level that was ruined at the end very end with some BS. Enjoyable game wouldnt put this on my top tier Mario list though.