5 reviews liked by Dan_priesty

EDIT: (13/06/2024) Minor word changes

Quite possibly the most mid Sonic game ever made, outside of Forces. The only parts I remember outright hating was some of the music and the Oil Desert boss. I still had fun, mainly with the special team up moves and White Park and Acts 2 and 3 of totally not Wing Fortress Zone. Also the visuals which look fantastic and I was so happy when Superstars when back to something similar to this, if you're not going for 2d sprites, this is how a 2D Sonic game should look

Cuphead foi o jogo que mais me trouxe a sensação de recompensa após um desafio.

Com uma dificuldade no ponto certo, Cuphead se torna uma experiência de plataforma muito satisfatória. Um destaque maior tem que ser dado também a parte visual e sonora do jogo, que certamente são seus maiores destaques e geram uma imersão absurda naquilo que o jogo se propõe a ser.

i started playing because i wanted some sort of skin or something from an event that was happening at the time but couldnt figure out how to play for the life of me. mustve played it for an hour or less before giving up lol

Ótimo jogo, ele te deixa fazer escolhas. Joguei duas vezes e fiz dois finais diferentes.