The donkey Kong country tropical freezeification of Mario

I remember finally beating this game for the first time, and just saying “f*cking finally.”

A childhood favorite that holds up pretty well. Wish they’d used pixel art but tbh it could be worse

Just so delightful. Love exploring this different worlds with these two. Would love to see a remake/remaster because the controls are a little jank but honestly it won me over with its charm

A game I go back to in spurts. When I do, I’m always left with a smile

They really said "how can we make this the worst"

They could. Didn't ask if they should. That said, I wouldn't say that they shouldn't have.

The perfect beat-em-up experience. Only wish it could be 4 player.

Great level design but those controls...

This game is like the Abel to my Cain, in that it makes me want to smash it with a rock

Better than Zelda II and not nearly as cryptic but still pretty balls tbh

Broke my 3ds circle pad with this game god bless it's heart