I've had this game pretty much since it came out on the Wii U. Fun game, I mean it's Mario Kart we're talking about here. But it wasn't something I played super often, it was mostly reserved for parties, or whenever my siblings had friends over.
I probably would've had less to say about this game like 2 years back, but ever since some friends convinced me to play online with them, it's another story. This game is a fucking riot with the right people. There's just enough skill to make it somewhat competitive, but also horrendously unfair enough to make it hilarious. The amount of times I've been yelled at for my luck (and also being told about how my life will crumble before my eyes) is innumerable.
As much as this game has made me and my friends unfathomably angry, I've grown a new appreciation for this game

It was a real good run. I enjoyed my time overall, but I think I started to get a bit burnt out by it near the end. I was invested enough in the story to see it through. And now that I have, I'm satisfied. There's a bunch of side quests and shrines I've left to the side, and for the foreseeable future, it may stay that way

It's hard to express how much I adore this game.
Objectively, there's not a ton of meat on the bones here, you could finish this in like 2 sittings (and that's if you take your time to soak things in).
But whatever it's lacking in terms of content or maybe story, it absolutely makes up for it in immersion and world-building. The movement system is immaculate, probably the best I've seen in a VR game. And there is detail on a microscopic level. There have been times I've replayed this game, and noticed something new I legitimately never knew about prior.
Maybe I oversell this game, but it is a crime how unnoticed it is (The Rift exclusivity really didn't help either). VR is inherently niche, PCVR even moreso. But if you have the hardware for it, I heavily implore you to play this game (use Revive if you have to).

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Holy fuck The Perfect Run kicked my ass

This game leaves a bit of a poor taste in my mouth in the current state it's in. As a game, it's fucking amazing, from the dialog to the artstyle, interaction and all. But considering that this was the last Oculus Rift exclusive title, you can tell they were dragging their feet to push this out, from the 3 delays, to the buggy launch. I want to enjoy this game I really do, but the awful performance and texture pop-in make it hard. This game got one single update a month after release which barely fixed anything, and half a year later, it's near radio silence from RAD about this game. They're not coming back to fix this game at this point, they're too focused on EchoVR to bother with this