Nice turn-based strategy game once you get the hang of it.
The only negative/positive thing (depending how you see it) is that one miscalculation can throw your hole campaign to the trash. Campaign is not longh, though, about 9 missions if you go straight to the final stage.

Fun for a couple of matches.. after 10 or so you will notice all the issues with the gameplay, even considering that its gameplay is more arcade-style than sim-style.
Cool if you are a wrestling fan but don't want to fully invest your time in a main 2k series.

I waited 4 years to finally buy this game for cheap ($2.00 - ultimate) just to play the story mode. Having said that, I really enjoyed it, nice story telling. I don't play online/competitive so I don't know much about the gameplay. I have played the original series (1, 2, 3 & trilogy back in the day) and the new series (9,10 and 11) and this is a great game... the only negative I can tell is the grinding for the krypt... it is just too much.

Now I'll wait 4 more years to play the new MK1...

Two years and still waiting for the master league... The game has become a little better... not quite there yet.


[Free demo]: Since I only played the demo all I can review is the mechanics of the game. It's a well executed "match-3" style puzzle, graphics are nice, music is very relaxing. The way you can create combos makes you think ahead of your moves.

It took me about 2 hours to finish/lose the demo level, very easy to get bonus during gameplay.

If the full version of the game had an story or a reason for you to be building these towns, I think I would keep playing, but for the demo, once you are done with it there is nothing to make you want to play more. Gameplay style is quite simple, in a positive way.

If you played the OG Top Gear, this is the game for you. 100% arcade fun.

Not good at all. Controls feel terrible, very slow paced, a lot of input lag unless you start tweaking the video settings. Collisions feel off. It is just a "keep hiting until dead".

Even playing cooperative doesn't make it fun.

One of the funniest games of the era. Simple as that. The story is totaly absurd but but the goofy enemies make it totally work.

They don't make games like this anymore.

Cool story, good mechanics that fit different playstyles. I chose stealth for a slow-paced playthrough. Most side missions are somewhat related to the main plot. The game ending adapts to your playthrough, however, don't expect it to change drastically. It is a linear experience after all.

.. also make sure to watch all the credits... that one really hurt.


Great game seeing it as a whole. First and Final seasons are its peak, final one kinda relives the feeling of the first one.
This is like a story driven game, don't go in there expecting a Left4dead style game.

Good platformer/hack 'n slash game, very fast paced-arcade style. You really feel like a ninja. The game encourages exploration and there is quite some backtracking to get all the upgrades and extra content.

The only thing I didn't like was that in the last mission the enemies become "cheap" difficult: they turn into damage sponges, attack you in groups, or freeze you all the time (literally, in some cases they give 1 second of movement before they freeze you again) frocing you to adopt some shameful (for an overpowered ninja) strategies to progress.

Apart from that it is a solid game.

Great story, almost movie-like plot. It helps playing the first two games to fully appreciate the story but not really necessary. ( I didn't). Gameplay wise nothing really stands out but still very fun to play. Also, try not to pay attention to your companion's corset too much, you might end up in jail in your next life.

Excellent game, GTA style but more focused in hand-to-hand combat. The use of enviromental damage is absolutely insane; a lot of OMG moments. The DLC intro is hilarious if you get the reference.

Good hack'n'slash, very self aware and funny. Not very safe to play if there are kids around (very... hot support cast to say the least). Get yourself a gamepad with a "turbo" option.

Very adult/mature plot. It really makes you think about your actions. The ending is something you don't usually see in these types of games. Don't play it if you like to go "Rambo" style in every FPS