With a powerful rig, the game is still kind of just "okay" nothing amazing or ground breaking, just a decent open world game. That's all.

A hell of a great game, satisfying combat and hilarious side stories. Late game feels like a bit of a cop-out with everyone just, magically dodging, but whatever.

A just kinda okay return to the classic series.

solid RPG, sure had some south park humor to it, it's about what you expect tbh

I'm not crying. YOU'RE CRYING.

Man this game still slaps even after all these years

I'll be honest, I lost interest about 50% of the way through the main story. The construction was neat, but for those who are uncreative it loses its charm pretty quickly once you figure out what is best for the situation, and don't even get me started on the secret stone cutscenes. I get it, you can go to them in any order, that doesn't mean there shouldn't have been a check to see if you already know about them.

My favourite borderlands game in the series. Something about it just keeps bringing me back for more playthroughs.

Despite some minor jank, this is still a grand game to play with mates and yell at them for stealing your damn towns. ZERO.

A cute and fun little game about pollution in a seemingly foreign planet. Controls were simple, objectives were clear, though it did feel rather barren after a short while

A great game in the persona series. Didn't stick with me as hard as some others in the series, but solid nonetheless

Solid platformer, had some issues with the controls here or there, but solid!

Felt like the old games again! Some minor hiccups here or there with controls and graphical means, but still great!

Story was alright, hit hard in certain places, but otherwise, just kinda meh?

While a solid game with solid references and killer boss soundtracks. the entire game just felt kinda. Meh? It didn't feel like a Sonic game in any sense, and the cyberspace stages felt AWFUL by default.