21 reviews liked by Darksideofheaven

there is no alien mode after you beat the game, so i am afraid this is inferior to the sequel

I liked this game so much I spent years getting into game development to create a spiritual successor (let's be honest, a ripoff) of this game. Later on I took some time to create a website for it and then realized making a website isn't so bad. Then I thought maybe I can make letterboxd for games, and thus Backloggd was born...

Yandere dev, Yandere dev! grooming kids is not ok

A game that heaves and quakes under the stress of being played normally.

give the game to some other developers. please.

A sandbox shooter with a bunch of steam workshop mods? It is fun, indeed. It's a shame that they don't have a multiplayer/online mode, but It's still early access

will always come back to this game, hope they add actually multiplayer one day

A uns anos atrás eu revirei a internet atrás desse Jogo, felizmente depois de uma madrugada regada a energético, doritos e visitas em sites de procedência duvidosa eu consegui baixa-lo, e ao joga-lo não é que ele me surpreendeu positivamente. Apesar que eu tive que formatar meu Pc logo em seguida por conta de vírus...

You know what, for a mid 2000s movie tie-in game, not absolutely terrible. I enjoyed it a bit as a kid all things considered

Surprisingly good for what it is.